You’re unique, so what represents you or your business should be too.


Oh, Hello! I’m Niccole.

I design beautiful, polished, and strategic culture- and values-driven reports, presentations and marketing collateral to reflect the identity and core values of the clients I serve.

So, while I’m hard at work doing what I do best - designing your ideal project - you’re in the clear to do what you love and are great at . . . with less stress and more time!

My Clients

My clients are VPs of development, doctors, nurses, deans, professors, photographers and more. Here’s what they have in common - they have great ideas with the content to support them, but they experience one or more of the following scenarios.

They don’t have the time and/or creative expertise to design their project and they want it off their plate.

They contend with a lack of awareness within their staff about the industry and the scope of work - there seems to be a missing component that lies in developing the overall design strategy to effectively market their strengths/KPIs.

They’re stressed with how much there is to do with the marketing, and they desperately need someone to be the designer and consultant, keeping the project on track and helping their team to gain buy-in from key stakeholders.

At the end of the day, they want a final product that brings their vision to life in an aesthetically pleasing way.

I deliver what they want.

My Why

After working with graphic designers and marketing professionals who were great at designing, I began to see an opportunity where those with writing expertise and strategic thinking skills could enhance the overall experience and final results of our initiatives. With fewer resources and the higher education industry becoming more competitive in attracting students, we needed to figure out how to tell our story in a way that was intentional, meaningful and authentic. While our marketing materials were good, they needed to be more purposefully and strategically positioned.

So, when an opportunity at work presented itself to me to assume the design in tandem with my research grounding, strategic planning, writing and communication, and project management skills, I jumped at the chance and have never looked back because I LOVE IT! Then, I decided to start my own business so I could do more of it for others.

Through my work, I have come to believe that when we lack clarity about who we are or struggle to communicate it – our core foundation – it impacts our ability to make strategic decisions. The resulting confusion gets us “off mission,” leading to inactivity, wasted resources and missed opportunities, which keeps us from living our true purpose and deprives others (and ourselves) of our contribution to the world.

I would love to be a trusted partner in helping empower you and your business to showcase your strengths and KPIs through professionally-designed reports, presentations and marketing collateral so that you can intentionally and strategically live your purpose – the mission that only you can carry out.

Why Identity 23?

My journey to discovering and rediscovering my personal identity as a professional and leader came out of athletics as translating my athletic identity (#23) provided space for me to discover other facets of myself as a designer and consultant. Here’s how I translate that identity to my work with clients.


I design and consult with the end in sight – the bigger picture – which helps me to be strategic in bringing clarity and purpose to achieve the desired results.


My feet and hands are tiny, so I’ve never believed in the “one size fits all” approach. Everything I create, including the communications we have and my approach, is tailored to your needs.


Because we’re better together, we work as a team to achieve your goals. “Teamwork makes the dream work!” And, at the end of the day, you’re the professional in your field and I’m here to support you.


Authenticity is at the core of who I am. One of my purposes in life is to live my life openly and expansively. If I’ve learned something, it’s not just for me - it’s also meant to be shared.


I design and consult because I LOVE having the opportunity to partner with clients to bring their visions to life. Your empowerment is my motivator!


As an athlete and a business owner, I’ve learned that resiliency is the heartbeat of success. It takes guts to show up, to do the work and to put yourself out there. I’ll be here to support you because what’s on the other side is 100% worth it!

My Experience

Over the course of my career, I have had the opportunity to develop a skill set that is uniquely valuable to the work I do as a designer and consultant.

  • Over a decade of experience in higher education working with enrollment management, student success, retention, post-graduation outcomes, corporate partnerships, marketing, curriculum and assessment;

  • Trained professional workplace coach;

  • Publication designer (e.g., reports, pamphlets, marketing collateral);

  • Developing, implementing, and managing strategic plans;

  • Online and face-to-face course design and instruction;

  • Workshop and presentation designer and speaker; and,

  • A Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies - Higher Education with a cognate in Educational Psychology, an MBA with a focus in Entrepreneurship, and a B.S. in Marketing.

I would absolutely love the opportunity to work with you or your business on a design project. If you have a minute, fill out my new client inquiry, and let’s see if it feels like a good fit for you or your business.

I look forward to working with you!

Interested in having me speak at your upcoming event? Email and let’s get the conversation started!


Your Win

What I hope you hear is that I genuinely care about helping you and/or your business reflect your identity and core values in an aesthetically pleasing way so you can strategically tell your story to key stakeholders. Because at the end of the day, I believe that you can successfully hire a marketing/publication designer from the outside who can get to know your world, your culture, your organization—your identity. I make it my mission to represent your voice in an intentional, strategic, creative and authentic way while providing good counsel and expertise throughout the process.

I’d love to have the opportunity to partner with and help you communicate beautifully, authentically and with purpose.

Work With Me

I would love the opportunity to get to know you and see how I can help with your design project. I can’t wait to visit with you!